MMR Vaccinations

Important Vaccine for Children – Keep Them Safe and Healthy
Vaccin Important pentru Copii – Țineți-i în Siguranță și Sănătoși
Důležité Očkování pro Děti – Udržujte je v Bezpečí a Zdraví
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Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to inform you about an important vaccination opportunity for your child.
MMR Vaccination at School
The MMR Vaccination Team are offering MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccinations at Woodlands on Monday, 10th February, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This vaccine is free and helps protect your child from three serious illnesses:
Measles – A serious infection that can cause fever, rash, and complications such as pneumonia.
Mumps – A virus that causes swelling of the face, fever, and in some cases, more severe complications.
Rubella – A virus that can cause rash and fever, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women.
Why is this important?
We have recently had cases of measles in school. The MMR vaccine is the best way to protect your child, your family, and others from these diseases. It is safe and has been used for many years to protect children around the world.
Consent Form
To have your child vaccinated, please return the consent form by Wednesday, 5th February. If you need help filling out the form, please come to the school office. We are happy to help you.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Thank you for helping us keep all children safe and healthy.