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Vision and Values

We are very proud of our co-operative school and hope you are too. 

Key to everything we do is our mission statement “Respect, co-operate, succeed”. Our aim is for every child to be able to say of themselves:

'I am an aspirational, resilient and confident learner and a caring and responsible citizen. I am respectful, thoughtful, ready and excited about my future.'


Staff will:

  • Have high expectations of themselves and others in their daily work and for their future
  • Work hard to reduce educational disadvantage by providing engaging, challenging, well planned teaching that enables children to develop as confident learners
  • Ensure teaching provides opportunities for children to develop and demonstrate the characteristics of a good learner
  • Provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils academic, physical, social and emotional development and wellbeing
  • Teach children the importance of right and wrong and help them develop as caring and responsible citizens
  • Teach children how to keep themselves safe and healthy
  • Treat children with respect regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ability, disability
  • Apply co-operative and ethical values in all our work

Children will:

  • Come to school every day (unless ill), follow the school rules and work hard
  • Have high expectations of themselves and others in their daily work and for their future
  • Be resilient and understand that sometimes things are difficult but that hard work and perseverance will be rewarded with success
  • Respect themselves, each other, our school and our world

Governors will:

  • Support and challenge the school on all its work
  • Ensure the school is efficient and effective, promoting the highest educational aspirations and outcomes for all its children
  • Ensure financial security, stability and probity

As a community we will:

  • Support and encourage children to work hard
  • Prepare children to enter their next stage of schooling with confidence and excitement
  • Support and encourage children to follow school rules and develop as caring and responsible citizens
  • Share any concerns or worries that affect children’s learning, health, social and emotional wellbeing


Our Intent



Our Co-op Commitment






British Values